Education Committee

Membership Information

Education Committee

Number Of Members:


District 34 | R

District 8 | R
Vice Chairman

District 36 | R

District 12 | D

District 16 | R

District 6 | D

District 35 | R

District 32 | R

District 10 | R

District 24 | D

District 1 | R

District 37 | R

District 25 | R

District 2 | R

District 44 | R

District 22 | R

District 21 | D
Committee Studies and Assignments

3046 Study ways in which various public and private entities can cooperate with families to promote healthy lifestyles for children and create awareness about the interplay of healthy lifestyle choices and educational success

4032 Study ways in which schools and school districts can train teachers, counselors, and all other school staff to better identify high-risk students and provide programs designed to reduce the incidences of high-risk behaviors that can lead to suicide attempts

2030 § 11 Study the appropriateness and adequacy of high school curricula, with respect to preparing students for higher education and for the workplace, and examine curricular changes implemented in other states and expectations placed on students in other countries

2030 § 16 Study the short-term and long-term evolvement of regional education associations, including the feasibility and desirability of regional education associations becoming political subdivisions; whether teachers should be employed directly by regional education associations, and whether that employment should include bargaining rights, contract renewal and nonrenewal provisions, participation in the Teachers' Fund for Retirement, and participation in the state's uniform group insurance program; the impact that allowing regional education associations to hire teachers directly would have on the recruitment and retention of teachers currently employed by school districts and on teacher salary levels; whether teacher employment contracts, if offered by regional education associations, would have to parallel those of participating school districts with respect to common school calendars, annual or personal leave provisions, and other contractual benefits; the conduct of evaluations, if teachers are employed directly by regional education associations, including who will conduct the evaluations, their frequency, and the criteria upon which the evaluations are based; the organizational structure of regional education associations, including the qualifications of administrative or supervisory personnel; the governance structure of regional education associations; and state level oversight

Receive annual report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction by the end of February on the financial condition of school districts (NDCC § 15.1-02-09)

Receive from the Superintendent of Public Instruction the compilation of annual school district employee compensation reports (NDCC § 15.1-02-13)

Receive report from the Statewide Longitudinal Data System Committee before the 61st Legislative Assembly on the status of the plan for a longitudinal data system (NDCC § 15.1-02-18)

Receive report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction of a request from a school or school district for a waiver of any rule governing the accreditation of schools (NDCC § 15.1-06-08)

Receive report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction of a request from a school or school district for a waiver of North Dakota Century Code Section 15.1-21-03 (NDCC § 15.1-06-08.1)

Receive from the Superintendent of Public Instruction the compilation of test scores of a test aligned to the state content standards in reading and mathematics, given annually to students in three grades statewide (NDCC § 15.1-21-10)

Receive report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction during the 2007-08 interim regarding the planning and development of the electronic course delivery approval process for approving the provision of elementary or high school courses electronically to a student, school, or school district (2007 S.L., ch. 178, § 2)

Receive report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction at the conclusion of each school year during the 2007-09 biennium covering the operations of regional education associations (2007 S.L., ch. 162, § 17)

Receive report from the Education Standards and Practices Board before November 1, 2008, regarding the payments made to individuals who hold national board certification (2007 S.L., ch. 171, § 4)

Receive periodic reports from the North Dakota Commission on Education Improvement regarding the commission's examination of the current system of delivering and financing public elementary and secondary education (2007 S.L., ch. 163, § 51)

Receive report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction during the 2007-09 biennium regarding notices received from boards of school districts which determine that providing at least 70 percent of new money received for per student payments to increase the compensation paid to teachers would result in the school district having insufficient fiscal resources to meet other obligations (2007 S.L., ch. 163, § 52)