North Dakota Legislative Daily

North Dakota Legislative Daily Mobile App

Follow North Dakota Legislative Assembly events during the legislative session (standing committee hearings, floor sessions, and conference committees) and the legislative interim (interim committee meetings and agency Administrative Rule hearings).  This app contains links to bills, amendments, and bill status information.  This app allows you view your own personalized schedule by linking the app to your online Legislative Bill Tracking System account.

Mobile App Support

If you need support with the ND Legis Daily mobile app:

  • Contact North Dakota Legislative Council at Include a description of the problem or question along with your mobile device brand/model and operating system version.  Also, include your name and phone number. Normal processing for support contact will be during regular office hours, Monday thru Friday, (excluding state holidays) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. CST with responses returned within 48 hours.