North Dakota Century Code

Chapter 40-26

Correction, Reassessments, and Fund Deficiencies

Section Section Name
40-26-01 Courts to review levy and apportionment of special assessments - De novo review for agricultural property assessments
40-26-02 Correcting errors, mistakes, and deficiencies in special assessments
40-26-03 Reassessment ‑ Regulations governing ‑ Enforcement and collection
40-26-04 Reassessment made upon refusal of judgment for collection of special assessments or assessment declared void
40-26-05 Supreme court setting aside judgment ‑ Effect ‑ Reassessment
40-26-06 Error or omission does not vitiate assessment ‑ Assessment altered if substantial injury has been done
40-26-07 Actions to restrain collection of special assessments, avoid tax judgments ‑ Duty of court
40-26-08 Municipality liable generally for deficiencies in special improvement fund